The best way for safe cruising in open sea.
Hero’s Spain liferafts are required for:
Spanish flag vessel (less than 24 meters) in all navigations up to 60 miles from the coast (Spanish category 2 and 3).
Malta & UK flagged Commercial charter yachts <24 meters in length, up to 60 miles from a safe haven
Approved by the Spanish authorities. (Ministerio de Fomento and Dirección General de la Marine Mercante /D.G.M.M). Tests were carried out at the D.G.M.M safety center to obtain special Spanish approval.
This model was designed to be the safest, lightest and most compact on the market.
It offers stability and resistance in extreme open sea conditions.
It is designed to protect the passengers in conditions of open sea navigation and long cruising (where
strong winds and significant waves can be met).
Hero’s liferats offer safety and isolated protection in front of extreme conditions. A large entry / opening and a self-deploying canopy allow easy access on-board and a direct rescue from inside the raft.
A grab bag including safety equipment is added to upgrade to SOLAS B rescue pack required by Spanish authorities.
Hero Spain liferafts are equipped with a survival bag (Grab Bag) to complete the safety pack. The Grab Bag is approved by the RINA and the D.G.M.M. The weight of the Grab bag is approximately 3Kg.